В The Moscow Times вышла большая статья о фестивале на английском языке
О «Том Сойер Фесте» довольно много писали на разных языках. Но больших обстоятельных статей с актуальной на нынешний момент информацией не так много. Но вот такой лонгрид сделало издание The Moscow Times. Если хотите рассказать о фестивале своим англоязычным друзьям или знакомым, то вот ссылка на статью «Tom Sawyer Fest: From the Mississippi to the Volga».
«If you’ve read the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain, you remember how Tom Sawyer’s aunt made him paint the fence as punishment. But Tom made it seem like so much fun that his friends wanted to paint it for him while he went off and played.
Inspired by this episode, the Tom Sawyer Fest was begun in Samara in 2015 by Andrei Kochetkov, a local journalist. He and his friends wrote about the poor conditions of the city’s historical structures for years to no avail. So they decided to paint them themselves. The buildings they fixed up were then restored by the city and became the Tom Sawyer Fest’s first project».